
Deref is an Australian, which probably accounts for his weird spelling.  He
writes mainly in order to exorcise demons who, for the most part, would be
better off just going to the gym. He lives in the past because it's cheaper and
prefers the fantasy world to the real one since the fantasy world is so much
more believable.

Writes of Passage - An ongoing odyssey of self-discovery, starting three weeks after My Night at Daria's.
Valentine’s Day – A romantic ‘Iron Chef’ ficlet
The Kiss of Soft Wings – This is a ficlet in which Jamie gives Quinn a fine dining experience.
Antipodean Daria – Daria set in Australia
A Pet for Quinn – Quinn has an unusual pet
A Romantic Conversation – Young love rears its strange head.

Farmyard Funnies - What will happen when fandom comes for a visit... meta fic staring several of daria's most notorious fans.

The Many Loves of Thalia Gillis - A Daria/Dobie Gillis crossover; Someone thinks Jane is attractive.... Co-written with Milderbeast.

All My Children - You know how it ended, this is how it all began.  Written with Thea_zara

